Friday, July 20, 2007

'The Truth Will Set you Free'

The article that follows was written shortly after the invasion of Iraq. Unfortunately, much of its content remains relevant even now.

by Nabila Harb\FAV co-editor

The people of the United States are being insulted and yet, they not only accept the insult, but embrace it with enthusiasm. They are being insulted by their leaders and by the media and yet they would rather focus on Saddam Hussein as an enemy, when the real enemies are in their own country. Yellow ribbons in 'support of the troops' and American flags multiply through the country like a cancer, devouring truth and justice and installing propaganda symbols in their place. What is happening in the United States now? Is the U.S. government and media keeping the people informed of the real progress of the invasion of Iraq? The people of the United States evidently believe that they are being given the information and facts that they deserve to have. After all, the government is acting in THEIR name as it murders the Iraqi people, destroys the Iraqi landscape and further weakens the economic structure of the country. The American government and the media are at great pains to provide constant 'updates' of the situation in Iraq, but does any of it bear even the shadow of a resemblance to the truth? In fact, the intelligence and common sense of the people of the United States are being insulted by the most blatant forms of propaganda and a web of deceit that stretches from the United States across the globe. Its victims are not only the Iraqi people but very fundamental rights of freedom and self-determination for people everywhere, including people within the United States itself.

The mainstream media in the U.S. as well as the government, are at pains to define the U.S. aggression against Iraq not as an invasion but as a 'liberation effort', an almost humanitarian action designed to bring freedom and democracy to the people of Iraq by removing their own leaders and government and introducing the enlightened reign of Imperialist Americans and Zionists in their place. After all, the supporters of the Zionists continually claim that the Zionist entity is the 'only democracy in the Middle East'. Through their power and good graces, the future of Iraq as another true 'democracy' is assured.

One need only look at the example of their Occupation of Palestine to see how the Arab Nation fares under a racist, apartheid regime, and how much the Palestinian people have benefited from Zionist 'democratic' rule. To those who rely upon mainstream mass media and government information in the United States, however, the invasion of Iraq is in the nature of a 'holy war', motivated by the duty to destroy the Iraqi government and its leaders, and replace them with a government that will pursue American and Zionist aims and thereby bring 'peace and security' to the region. In fact, the American government attempted to pass a resolution in Congress to dictate a day of prayer and fasting in order to persuade God to grant victory to the troops of the Coalition of the Morally Bankrupt. This new 'Crusade' against the Arab Nation must be as repugnant to truly religious individuals as the Crusades of the Middle Ages and yet, the government is trying to add God to the propaganda stew it is concocting. It is merely another demonstration of how this government has abandoned the principles upon which the United States was founded, one of which was a clear separation between Church and State, and another of which was freedom of belief and expression. Despite all of this, the people of the United States apparently remain unaware of the threat to their liberties.

To those individuals and nations with even a passing interest in international history and events, the U.S. 'Coalition' motivation for invading Iraq always was quite clear. American and Zionist led multi-national corporations involved in oil and in the arms industry and their needs prompted the invasion, and indeed plans for this invasion preceded the attacks of 11 September that supposedly set the so-called 'war against terror' in motion. The U.S. international 'war against terror' whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or anywhere else is fueled by greed and political designs for control of the map.

A hundred years ago, imperialists declared their interests and aims fairly directly, without being obliged to camouflage them too much with claims of idealistic virtues. Imperialism and Empire had not become dirty words, and the fundamental premise upon which they rested, which was that a superior culture and people had the duty to guide and rule an inferior people, still was acceptable in the West and elsewhere in the world.

Now, however, imperialism and beliefs in cultural or racial superiority must be disguised by other more politically correct motives, although the United States does profess a duty to police the globe, allegedly in the name of 'democracy'. Moreover, nations are discovering that they cannot accept American funds without accepting U.S. overseers and an omnipresent threat of U.S. 'police intervention' if any fundamental threat to American/Zionist interests is found.

Not only have Imperialism and Empire lost their ideological pedestals, but governments no longer can simply order their people to obey without offering some sort of satisfying philosophical reason for obedience. Technological advances provide the masses everywhere with information about events throughout the globe and this makes it necessary for governments to create very powerful and effective propaganda in order to enlist their obedience and support. In the case of the invasion of Iraq, the propaganda blitz on the part of the United States and Britain has been of unprecedented proportions. Saturation propaganda is the rule of this war, and apparently the Coalition of the Morally Bankrupt will stop at nothing in order to keep the lies flowing smoothly and unimpeded.

Some of the most significant early casualties of this war from 'friendly fire' perhaps have been journalists. The 'embedded' reporters for the United States and its criminal coalition must rely only carefully sanitised information to the media, or they will be ejected not only from Iraq but from their jobs. Peter Arnett and Geraldo Riviera are two very different sorts of journalists, but both have been victims of 'friendly fire' from the U.S. and both have been removed from Iraq and their jobs as reporters for the crime of having made statements that were not acceptable for one reason or another to the U.S. government.

More difficult to silence or 'purify' are the members of Coalition armed forces who have experienced combat and live to tell about it. This is where the chink in the Coalition propaganda armour is most apparent. Soldiers, returning wounded from the front, are bewildered, confused and thoroughly convinced of the strength and determination of Iraqi resistance to the Coalition efforts at 'liberation'. If people in the United States are to become aware of the degree of deceit to which they are being subjected, it will be through the stories told by the troops they are so eager to support, as they return wounded and disillusioned from the war.

A story from 27 March declared that: 'For them, the war is over. A few U.S. soldiers were half the way home on Thursday, bearing wounds inflicted by Iraqis they thought they were liberating. They recounted to journalists how they came under fire at the weekend from Iraqi troops dressed as civilians at the city of Nassiriya.

'We were very surprised. We were told when we were going through Nassiriya that we would see little to no resistance,' one soldier told a news conference at the U.S. military's medical facilities at Landstuhl, Germany. 'We were more prepared for what happened in the Gulf War when they turned over and surrendered most of the time...'

Another soldier declared: 'They weren't rolling over like we thought they would.'

Beside him, in hospital robes, other soldiers told of being hurled from their Humvee by an Iraqi missile in a separate attack. 'The amount of resistance, some of it I don't understand. I mean we're there to help them to get them out of the regime.'

U.S. and Coalition propaganda, faced with the embarrassment of being forced to explain overwhelming Iraqi resistance to their invasion, revised itself and began to claim that the Iraqis were being threatened by their leaders and forced to fight. When that fails to convince the public, they fall back upon the argument that one must support the troops as they are individuals who are one's parents, spouses, siblings or friends. One of the U.S. soldiers defeated by Iraqi resistance tried to claim that he was only fighting to protect his friends.

'You may be against the war, but don't be against the soldiers there who are fighting it. I joined to serve my country but when I was there I was fighting to protect my friends,' he said.

This spurious and quite absurd argument evidently DOES carry weight with the public, despite the fact that the very raison d'etre for armed Coalition troops in Iraq is to kill Iraqis. They are not sent there to protect their friends, but to wage an illegal war of aggression against the Iraqi people. If they really wished to protect themselves and their friends, they would refuse to serve in the war. Those troops now in Iraq would receive the warm reception U.S. government propaganda led them to expect from the Iraqi people if they surrendered to the people of Iraq, rendering the Coalition invasion impotent.

The bogus argument that the U.S. troops are dealing death to the Iraqis simply to 'protect their friends' is similar to the Zionist argument with respect to Zionist presence in Palestine. Every Zionist in Palestine is an illegal Occupier, and yet they attempt to claim that they are acting in 'self-defence' when they slaughter Palestinians and destroy their homes. The most outrageous claim perhaps is the one of 'pre-emptive self-defence' whereby the Zionists assassinate Palestinians and attempt to justify the murders by claiming that they are acting to 'prevent future acts of terrorism'.

Both Bush and Blair have taken lessons from the Zionists in formulating their propaganda with respect to the invasion of Iraq. Apart from the fact that this invasion is being undertaken in order to further Zionist aims with respect to the Arab Nation, mainstream media actually supports these aims and therefore is willing to exert itself in creating effective propaganda to obscure the realities of the invasion.

In the States, as well as elsewhere in the West, the Zionist influence over the media must not be underestimated. When the attacks of 11 September took place, the situation with respect to the major networks and newspapers was as follows:

Probably the largest media conglomerate is AOL-Time Warner, controlled by Zionists. Not only does this conglomerate own AOL and Time-Warner, but Turner Broadcasting Systems, CNN, CBS, HBO and other television stations as well as Warner Brothers Studio, Castle Rock Entertainment and New Line Cinema. Time Warner is the largest periodical publisher in the U.S., and publishes Time, People and Fortune, among others.

Zionist Micheal Eisner, CEO of Walt Disney Company, owns Capital Cities/ABC, which owns the ABC Television Network. ABC owns ten stations outright in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston as well as 225 affiliated stations in the U.S. ABC is part owner of several European television companies. Its subsidiary, ESPN is run by another Zionist, Steven Bornstein, and the ABC network not only controls A & E and Lifetime Television but as ABC Radio Network owns 26 major radio stations in major cities of the U.S.

Viacom, which produces and distributes television progerammes for the three largest networks in the U.S. owns 13 television stations and 12 radio stations and produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, run by Zionist Sherry Langing. The Zionist head of Viacom , Murray Rothstein, acquired CBS, in turn run by Zionist Melvin Karmazin. CBS owns 14 major market television stations and 160 radio stations. Its publishing division includes Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The Free Press and Pocket Books. It is involved in satellite broadcasting and is the world's largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon and other networks.

The other major network, NBC, founded by Zionist David Sarnoff, is still run by Zionists.

The Associated Press is controlled by Zionist managing editor, Michael Silverman, who directs daily reporting and supervises the editorial departments. Executive editor, Jonathan Wolman, is a Zionist as well. The Newhouse media empire, owned by the Zionist Newhouse brothers, publishes 30 daily newspapers, 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable television systems, and publishes periodicals through Conde Nast, owned by them.

The Zionist Sulzberger family owns the New york Times and through the company, 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe, The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features and photographs from the NYT by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies and magazines.

The Washington Post is owned by the descendant of Zionist financier Eugene Meyer, partner of the infamous Barnard Baruch. The Washington Post has a number of other media holdings in newspapers, in television and in periodicals, including Newsweek. In a joint venture with the New York Times, the Washington Post publishes the International Herald Tribune, the most widely distributed English language daily newspaper in the world.

Time magazine is published by a subsidiary of Time-Warner. U.S. News & World Report is owned and published by Mortimer B. Zuckerman, who owns the Atlantic Monthly and the infamous New York rag, the Daily News.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, to find the media diligently supporting U.S./Zionist aims in Iraq and elsewhere throughout the world. When a reporter dares to make an unsanitised statement, he/she is removed summarily from their positions.

Neither Peter Arnett nor Geraldo Riviera have anything approaching objective attitudes towards Iraq. Their removal therefore will act as a strong threat to any one who allegedly reports 'news' from the front, no doubt silencing any but the most intrepid of independent reporters.

The Zionist link to U.S. political and business interests in the oil, energy and arms businesses are well-documented, but if there were any doubt whatsoever about the Bush administration's plan to give control of Iraq to the Zionists, it would be dispelled by his choice of an administrator to direct the Pentagon's Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in 'post-war' Iraq. Bush has chosen retired Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, former assistant chief of staff in the Army, who travelled with the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs to the Zionist entity in 1998. In 2000, he signed a letter that praised the Zionist entity's 'restraint in the face of Palestinian violence' and urged the U.S. government not to allow its supposed role as a 'peace facilitator' to fetter its role as a 'friend to Israel'. His precise words were: 'Friends don't leave friends on the battlefield', referring to the Zionist entity's campaign of genocide and terror towards the Palestinian people and the role of the U.S. in sending generous aid to the Zionists.

Garner, moreover, is president of an arms company that provides crucial technical support to missile systems vital to the US invasion of Iraq.

It is this Zionist and arms dealer that the U.S. has chosen to coordinate the civil administration of Iraq if the U.S. and its Coalition of the Morally Bankrupt manage to defeat the Iraqi people.

Apart from Jay Garner, there are other Zionists and enemies of civil rights who have been appointed very prematurely to serve in what is being conceived as the 'post-Saddam Hussain government' of Iraq.

Michael Mobbs is an influential legal advisor for the Pentagon who will be given charge of civil administration in Iraq if the U.S. invasion is successful. Mobbs is the author of what has become known as the 'Mobbs declaration', an outrageously unconstitutional document presented to the U.S. courts on behalf of the Pentagon claiming that the President has wide powers to detain American citizens indefinitely if they simply are alleged to be enemy combatants. As part of the spurious 'war on terrorism', he is one of those who determines the legal fate of so-called 'terror suspects' and other detainees held by the U.S. military in Cuba and Afghanistan. In the Bush administration's fantasy vision of 'post-Saddam Hussain' Iraq, he will take charge of 11 of the 23 Iraqi ministries.

Another Zionist appointed to the Pentagon-controlled Iraqi 'government-in-waiting' being assembled in a cluster of seaside villas in Kuwait is James Woolsey, a former director of the CIA with connections to the Zionist entity. Woolsey continues to insist, without any foundation whatsoever in fact, that Saddam Hussein was the mastermind who planned the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York, a clear indication of his Zionist-driven obsession with the President of Iraq. The fact that Woolsey sits on the advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is irrefutable evidence of his Zionist affiliations. James Woolsey is to be given a senior role in the U.S./Zionist puppet government of 'post-Saddam Hussain' Iraq.

This is the true nature of the U.S. and its Coalition's 'liberation' of Iraq. If successful, the country of Iraq and its natural resources will be liberated from the control of its own people, and placed in the hands of U.S. agents of multi-national corporations and Zionists. The heartsblood of the Iraqi people is being spilt for the worst sort of corporate and imperialist greed. Any soldier who fights for the 'Coalition' of the Morally Bankrupt must not be allowed to hide behind media or government propaganda but must accept responsibility for the crimes he or she commits in the name of the United States and its Coalition. The heartsblood of the Iraqi people who are defending their homeland, their honour and their dignity is on the hands not only of the U.S. and Coalition governments and their agents, but every one who does not oppose this invasion in every way possible. Rely upon government and media propaganda at your peril. There is no excuse for ignorance and no excuse for supporting this war against Iraq, which is a crime against humanity and justice. When members of this shameful 'Coalition' die, they are criminals executed in the course of commission of a crime.

The cold-blooded murder of women and children who were killed simply because they refused to halt at the command of a foreign agent is neither an accident, nor is it 'collateral damage'. It is the true face of this war, as much as the systematic genocide of the Palestinian people by the Zionist entity. That is the simple truth, and no amount of propaganda can provide a defence for the Coalition or its agents. They must be held fully accountable for the crimes they commit, and any one who fails to oppose this war must be held accountable as well. In particular, it is the American soldiers who have experienced the reality of the war in Iraq who must repudiate the propaganda and make the truth known, both in the States and abroad. When American troops who fought in Vietnam began to protest against the war, they were able to create effective opposition to the government and its nefarious aims. As more troops return from Iraq wounded and disillusioned, the propaganda machine may find itself unable to control the flow of information and change in public climate.

At the end of the day, the blood of the Iraqi people will demand to be heard and the voice of justice will be louder and reverberate with greater power than any so-called 'weapon of mass destruction' throughout the entire world. The only questions that remain are: Where does each and every one of us stand in this conflict and what do we intend to do about it?

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